Monday, January 5, 2015

Downton Abbey 2015!! Episode 1

Well, my daughters and I jumped on my bed at 8:58pm so excited about the show!  I just finished re-watching Season 4 which was so very good and was eager to see what direction they would take tonight.  I was not disappointed,

I must start with Mr. Molesly.  I LOVE that they are making him a quiet hero to one person.  I am quite fond of Miss Baxter and anytime that Thomas Barrow can be thwarted it is exciting, doubly so when it is done by the ever enigmatic Mr. Molesly!  Informed by his recent humiliation of being brought down in station from valet to mere footman, I think Mr. Molesly is in just the right position to be a nuisance to Mr. Barrow and a gift to Miss Baxter.  I love this sweet couple...but I don't underestimate Mr. Barrows anger toward his former minion and that will be something to watch, indeed.  However, that was only part of the story for in his "only Molesly" way, he was able to be the best comedic part of the show.  The hair dye gone awry was hilarious and written in with such strategy and humor, one of my favorite lines of the night, "Take steps Mr. Molesly, take steps!"

In keeping with the humor here are the two ladies I love to watch.  How horrified Granny looked when Robert suggested that Isabelle might be a "great lady in the neighborhood!" and off she went to construct her plan to undo any attachment between Isabelle and Lord Merton.  And what was up with Spratt?  How in his mind is he better than the village doctor?  What does a man have to do to get a cup of coffee or piece of cake? How does one remind Spratt that the good doctor is a guest of his employer?  I think she took care of him.  Aside:  Did anyone else catch the Dowager's reference to Pride and Prejudice?

Great ladies don't talk smutty.
Onto the real deal of this show!  Times they are a' changin'!  When Robert is dissed by the community as they desire to erect a statue in honor of fallen soldiers from the war, Carson can barely stand the attention.  So many things at play. It is kind of rude to say, "give us your land and your butler, they are what matters!"  There were several moments of rudeness I thought.  I can't get 100% on board with Miss Bunting. Yes, she is a lively character and probably a lot of depth to her but she could be better behaved.  As someone who is a leader in the community, she should know better than to embarrass her hosts.   I wasn't pleased with that part. 
Especially with Cora and Robert celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary while have a house of guests with them, including Lord Gillingham, it just seemed more "common" than would have been experienced. Granny did not approve.


Then Edith, our long-suffering Edith!  OY!  Let's make some more bad decisions while we are there! What is it with her?  Is it because her sister is so mean to her? Mary really needs to lighten up on her. So the train that left the station last season is clearly going to form a wreck this season.  Makes no sense except of course in social commentary but really enough with that. haha

But perhaps one of my favorite moments is when Cora, knowing Baxter's secret as we all do now, calls Barrow out.  Her handling of the whole situation is admirable and very lady-like.  Cora has been proving herself to be far more open minded than she used to be but then she has been through an awful lot.  So when the house catches fire Barrow is one lucky duck that mischief put him in the right place at the right time because losing another child would probably end that smile of Cora's forever. But the point should be made that now both Cora and Robert have ex-cons in their most intimate service. Interesting.
Thanks for saving my bacon Lady Edith!

 But Barrow is showing his viscous side a bit much lately and it will come crashing down like it did for Jimmy this week.  That was something to behold...eek!  Poor Robert!  Must all the world go mad? Thank God Mary kept it together with the Lord G in her private quarters!  I can't imagine! (Can you tell how appalled I am, ha!)  But the best moments of that fire was the kiss bestowed by Tom on Sibby (he is such a tender heart) and the father/son moment between Robert and Tom.  Something good is growing there and Sybil would be proud.

Finally, I am so pleased with Mary's growth.  I really like her so much more than when we started. It is hard to choose which suitor will be best but Lord G is really laying his cards on the table and that makes me wonder about him.  After all, he is a Lord and knows the implications of a torrid affair, why risk it?  What is he up to?  I am also impressed with the way Mary has taken over the estate.  Way to go Mare!

So here are my questions:  How bad will things get for Edith?  Who will Mary chose?  What will become of James?  Will the teacher help Daisy and thereby get closer to Branson?  Why did Baxter steal the jewelry in the first place.  Ok, I have to stop there as dinner must be made. There is no Mrs. Pattmore in my world!

Please share your thoughts!

In the meantime always remember

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