Sunday, January 26, 2014

Anger Issues and Other Observations

Oy! How Bates worries me with his anger issues....but I am torn because I understand where he is coming from.  But really, does Anna need to experience  visiting hours again? If only he could hold onto to that side of him that comes up with words like, "If anything you are made higher and holier because of the suffering you have experienced. You are my wife and I love you."


Beautiful writing and thank you also writers for letting her not be pregnant.

Ok Bates....go get have my blessing. But no murder....just maiming.

Mary....she is starting to look at the boys again, how nice! This will be interesting to watch.

Tom? Tom?  You cannot leave! Sibby needs her family and so do you! And I need're so pretty. (Sigh) Tom, let's be honest, you don't want to leave.....Robert loves you....nobody saw that coming, especially Robert! So cut him some slack and stay.  As a side note it was a nice change to see Cora animated.  Speaking of Cora, funny exchange with Mrs. Pattmore.

So....who else thinks its time for Isabella and the good Dr. to get together? And who else thinks that when the Dowager and Mrs. Crawley are in each others company they are like bickering sisters? They are trying to up the ante on sass and it is very funny!


Alfred.....Daisy.....get a grip! But what is this that Ivy is taking a notice?

Oh, who wants to speculate on Baxter? I wonder if she is actually going to turn on Thomas instead of help him? Hm mm.....but Cora needs to show some sense when it comes to her ladymaid. Don't tell everything!

Last but not least....Edith. What did she do in London? What did I miss? Is she catching on? Probably not.

I feel like I am overlooking something....let me know.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I said BOOM!

Mrs. Hughes, you wonderful matriarch bearing up under all of your charge's issues and problems!  Tonight you made me forever your follower, as you exposed Braithwaite for the manipulative, conniving, etc. (What Barrow said!) wretch that she is.  I love nothing more than when people who think that they are so brilliant get the final BOOM!  Hey, Braithwaite!  Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!"   SEE YAAA!!!

Ahhhh...............................................................I feel so much better.  But I know we haven't seen the last of her. I feel like now she is wounded and even more dangerous.  Time will tell.

Oh Mary, love the way she let the poor man down, "I am not ready to be rid of him" speaking of how Matthew fills her head. It makes me much more sympathetic when she isn't wallowing but instead is simply being truthful...I mean...everyone needs to stop pushing her to be done with Matthew.  But she really was beautiful and Isabelle was heroic in her own right.

What is wrong with me?
Now, onto Edith...the stupid, stupid girl ("he wants to marry me") not only risking her reputation and future but who knows WHAT she signed!  WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!! You don't just sign a paper without reading it!  DUMB AS DIRT that one!

I understand that she suffers from the "Middle Child Syndrome" in a big way, but honestly, who would have someone be responsible for their affairs when there is no binding relationship? A swindler, that's who!  There is going to be serious fallout...and all of you who think I am just being cynical and suspicious...mark my words.  There is something Limburger Cheesesque about all of this business.

Rose, you adorable girl. I would dance with that man too.  You know, the bandleader?

"Why don't you love me, Alfred?  You love sauce better than me!"

"Ivy, you are just the right kind of dumb." "Oh Jimmy, you're so clever!"
 It is hard to know what to do with this downstairs motley crew.  I mean, really, these four are too much.  But then, they are kids. 

Anna on the other hand continues to break my heart.  I hope she lets someone help her.  I hope that Bates can get through.  I hope that the beast is exposed.  Poor precious Anna.  Of course it will take all season...I just hope that she isn't with child in the end.  Be merciful writers.

And last but never least, Granny, just love her.  Just do.  Always.

Does that sum up this week?  I don't know. It is what I have right now. I know some of you are reading this....please let me know what you think,  I feel so lonely.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Oh Anna!

I could not be more traumatized.  Our poor Anna....that is all I can say right now.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Edith, Edith, Edith!

So, "tomorrow" from the last post became "next week" as reality slipped in and I just didn't have time to spend thinking or talking about Downton.  Where was this story when I wasn't a crazy-person?

Ok, so we left off with Mary and Branson...and (sigh) Branson....


But so much went on for Edith too.  All of the sudden, Edith has become a woman of the world!  What happened?!  I will say, her "lover" (I so like the usage of that word when we are dealing in this time period because it sounds so scandalous!) looks like the son of her former fiancĂ©

No, he isn't my father....but thanks for asking.

Well, the brazen hussy she is, wore that fashionable and thoroughly undignified dress and met a man at a public eatery and then KISSED him!!  Has she NO breeding whatever????  (I found that part amusing)  However, I am quite leery of a British man who just comes out of a World War I  and wants to move to Germany to live in sin with Edith who has an ignorance born of naivete. That she thinks a man like that is someone to hitch her wagon to illustrates how she can be blinded by what she wants to see rather than what is.  Clearly, there is more to all of this.  Clearly, she is being used as some kind of pawn or collateral or something that falls into a conspiratorial framework.  Isn't he the head of a major publication?  Something just doesn't sit right with me.  The whole insane wife made me wonder but this new "plan"  is too suspicious.  But then, I am a 21st century American.  I trust everyone and no one.

Edith, you are crazy bad!!




Sunday, January 5, 2014

Episode One Season 4: Oh What A Beautiful Mourning!

"Why are you crying, you're the one I like!"

It is hard to process how much I wanted to jump through the screen at Nanny West when she abused our little Sibby!  But I should back up a bit because even though I am not a fan of Thomas Barrow, I was pretty put out by the way she was treating him.  When he used his usual underhanded skill of exposing her, I thought, GOOD!  But, I am pretty sure that he had no real idea of just how mean she was?  Or did he?  Was it the egg incident?  I wonder if he put two and two together?  So, there he was in MY good graces when he decides to help one of my least favorite characters; Miss Baithwaite...or as I like to call her, Miss Breathlessly chasing my BRANSON!  (I never called her that, I am just looking for a segway) because CORA in a "rocks for brains" moment allows her back into the household!  What??  Can someone work with me here?  Since when does Cora not listen to Mrs. Hughes advice about the servants?

Okay, I need to take a moment to compose myself.

Hi, it's me, Cora, and I just don't think on some episodes. Bear with me, I smile while my household falls apart, but on occasion, I may surprise you, because after all, I am American. ('Merica!)

 Mrs. Hughes remains the heroine in my eyes. She continues to be the wise and kindly matriarch.  How do I break it to Cora? 

Here is the thing, Mary, we all get it.  We have all been mourning the loss of Matthew for several months, it was a shock to us too!  We get it.  But you have a BABY who has a mean Nanny and a whole lot of land and money and you need to wake up! You are such a drama queen! No wonder your father treats you so ridiculously! 

"Poor baby, he's an orphan."  For the record right before Anna said, "He isn't an orphan, your ladyship, he has a mother." My ten year old, (yes, Mary, ten!) said, "No he isn't, he has a mother!"

When it comes to licking wounds Mary is a real master.  It really challenges my sympathy. But I was proud of her when she moved to purple. (Does anyone else remember the first episode when she was whining about wearing mourning clothes?  Interesting turn of events!)

I realize that Carson may have overstepped but you were just plain wrong to be so uppity with him...good recovery in the second hour though.   I would not have been happy if you dissed our Carson because he spoke the truth.  So think about what you have done as you stare out that window.


Just as an aside, and maybe because he is Irish and he is Branson, but why was he the only man who understood that Mary was gone too far?  Granny, Mrs. Hughes, Anna, even that nasty Nanny West (henceforth we shant speak her name!!) recognized it was time, can Robert get over the whole "women as lilies" thing?  He is so ridiculous and so transparent.

Now this whole Matthew not leaving a will thing did not sit well with me.  It was  inconsistent with his character.  I know it is a drama and that was part of the tension but it was just plain unbelievable.  Especially since he was the Lord of the Manor because of an inheritance!  He was the one who hated the legality of it but he would not have married her and then thrown caution to the wind.  I just don't believe it.

There were several things that just didn't sit right with me but I have to ruminate on them.  There was so much to process and I was so bothered by so many people!  Ugh! Can't you behave???  Edith's beau....COMON!  Germany???? UGH!!! 

Ok,  I will leave that to tomorrow, along with someone messing with my Anna!!  She is going to try to mess with my Branson too, I can tell!

That is all for now.  But check back in cause I need to take a swat at Jimmy too!

More about Granny, Isabella, Daisy and Ivy...and ugh...Alfred.