Saturday, January 11, 2014

Edith, Edith, Edith!

So, "tomorrow" from the last post became "next week" as reality slipped in and I just didn't have time to spend thinking or talking about Downton.  Where was this story when I wasn't a crazy-person?

Ok, so we left off with Mary and Branson...and (sigh) Branson....


But so much went on for Edith too.  All of the sudden, Edith has become a woman of the world!  What happened?!  I will say, her "lover" (I so like the usage of that word when we are dealing in this time period because it sounds so scandalous!) looks like the son of her former fiancĂ©

No, he isn't my father....but thanks for asking.

Well, the brazen hussy she is, wore that fashionable and thoroughly undignified dress and met a man at a public eatery and then KISSED him!!  Has she NO breeding whatever????  (I found that part amusing)  However, I am quite leery of a British man who just comes out of a World War I  and wants to move to Germany to live in sin with Edith who has an ignorance born of naivete. That she thinks a man like that is someone to hitch her wagon to illustrates how she can be blinded by what she wants to see rather than what is.  Clearly, there is more to all of this.  Clearly, she is being used as some kind of pawn or collateral or something that falls into a conspiratorial framework.  Isn't he the head of a major publication?  Something just doesn't sit right with me.  The whole insane wife made me wonder but this new "plan"  is too suspicious.  But then, I am a 21st century American.  I trust everyone and no one.

Edith, you are crazy bad!!




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