Monday, February 2, 2015


Okay, whose crisis do we talk about first on this snowy day?  Cora and Robert, Edith, Tom, Mr. Barrow?

I'm going to go with Cora and Robert.  I am a little concerned with the explosive nature of Robert lately.  But, having said that I am glad he pummeled the interloper.  That man had nerve and Cora needed to be a little less accepting of his "arts"  haha!  Get it???  Okay.  Anyway, he was creepy and way more forward than he should have been but I think this is a good lesson for Robert. I think he is so angry with Cora because what Mr. Bricker said rang true and the truth hurts,  But what a stupid answer to give a grown woman "WE were playing a little game" to me that would just raise a red flag!  What kind of games do you two play!???!!

So, since I brought Edith into this I have to say that she is as  thick as a brick, that one! Let's see how many times she can do it her way and make things worse.  If she had just kept her head together at one moment along the way, she would have a very different life but she keeps making these dumb choices!  UGH!  I feel sorry for her but I also don't understand why she is forever stupid about things.  She is an intelligent girl and she needs to get some blasted confidence already!  GRRR!

Ok, enough on Edith.  Tom terrified me when I thought he was running after Miss Bunting.  I thought, NO NO NO NO NO!  But, I was so happy when he was just a gentleman who felt he had to end things right.  I hope this is the end but oh well, who knows with these writers.  Tom, though, had some of that honest gentleness that I really appreciated in the earlier episodes. And he bitterness is so opposite of what Sybil offered. "Don't you hate them too?" What kind of relationship is going to be built on that question.  So Sibby would always be a little rich girl in her eyes instead of the saving grace for the family that she is. Anyway, I was happy to see Tom back and I hope that he recognizes that he is loved and accepted by his family.  The moments with him and Robert and then him and Mary were so touching...we really have come a long way.

Onto Rose.  I love her. She is so darn sweet and so earnest!  I like how they have cleaned up her character a little.  What about that new man!  He is so cute.  I love the name Atticus.  I look forward to where this will lead.  We will see what Robert says when he finds out he is Jewish.  What a weird world to live in to have everyone just like you.  How utterly dull and limiting.

Ok.....very concerned about Barrow.  What is he playing at?  But again, so sad that he is going through this because the idea of being who he is is just too much anymore.  What a sad way to have to live.  I cannot help wonder what will happen but I hope he doesn't die in the process. What is the point of Downton without his smugness.  Who would torture Bates?

Speaking of Bates....that officer needs to lay off Anna!  And Bates is on my very last nerve.  So Barrow apparently tells the inspector that Baxter knows something so that she is put in the line of fire but all she did was see Mrs. Hughes with something in her hand.  I am finding this portion more than a little ridiculous.  Did Lord Gillingham say something?

Before I move to Lord Gillingham, how funny is Daisy?  She went from little field mouse to a roaring lion.  So glad she isn't going to get left behind!  Go Daisy!! (But do not try to fix up Tom and Miss Bunting!)

Okay, so I never got Lord G and Mary G last week.  I  would like to go on record as saying that Mary handed over power to him and he is not going to go away quietly.  He gave up his fiance for her.  (BTW, I like his former fiance! She is sassy and classy!!)  So, rest assured he will make some trouble as only an aristocratic gentleman who has been rebuffed can.  I would like to thank Downton Abbey for the talking point provided.  If you are going to give over power, you'd better know to whom! She didn't know Lord G and now she is going to find out.

On the other hand Charles Blake would not do that.  I think he is a man of the real world and that he would get over it sooner allowing for her to simply be a woman.  I like him.  He is more crass than Matthew but she is more herself with him.

The whole Carson. Hughes and Pattmore exchange was funny!  Just indulge him with compliments and he is appeased.  Such an ego that one.

One thing that I would like to point out is how the writers made a point of Mary and Violet noticing the rift between Cora and Robert. Impressive for Violet since she was so fixated on Isobel and Lord Merton.  (Those two are cute) and poor Dr.!

Ok, I am sure I forgot something!  Let me know by commenting.  YOU TOO ANONYMOUS!  :D


  1. Alright..... Lay off poor Edith. She always gets the raw deal. Other the that, you are right on! "We were playing a game." What?!?!

  2. I'm waiting for an update.....

  3. Please accept my apologies and my sincerest wishes for your continued good health and happiness, Anonymous. :D
